
ESG Strategy and Sustainability Committee

ESG Strategy and Sustainability Committee

ESG Vision and Strategy

ESG Policy
With "Green Energy & Innovation, and Sustainable Inclusion" as the main axis of our sustainable development, CLC proactively links our value chain with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We incorporate SDGs into the core of our corporate operations, reviewing the relevance of SDGs to our business activities, operational processes, and the upstream and downstream sectors in the value chain. By doing so, we aim to expand our positive impact and work hand in hand with stakeholders to achieve sustainable development goals.

*For the complete content of the UN SDGs and CLC's sustainability goals, please refer to the CLC website - CSR Strategy and Committee.

Corporate Sustainability Committee

Valuing corporate sustainability, CLC led the industry to set up the CSR Committee in 2013, and in 2021, it was renamed the "Corporate Sustainability Committee," referred to as the ESG Committee. The Chairperson serves as an advisory committee member, and the President chairs the committee. Senior executives from relevant departments serve as ESG task force members to discuss and implement major issues. Addressing climate change and adaptation topics, the committee also established the "Climate Change and Circular Economy Office," with the President as the convener and the head of the R&D Division as the vice convener. The office actively consults external professional organizations, including the Taiwan Green Productivity Foundation, to continuously plan and promote our sustainable transformation.
In December 2023, the BoD approved elevating the Corporate Sustainability Committee's oversight level to the Board, making it a functional committee. CLC's President serves as the chairperson, with the heads of the Pulp & Paper and the Containerboard Business Unit, and three independent directors serving as committee members. The Sustainability Department acts as the executive secretary. In addition, ESG Committee are held at least twice annually. In addition to the original task forces, the "Information Security Task Force" was added to strengthen information security management. The task forces hold monthly meetings to track progress and results, reporting to the BoD quarterly. To enhance the directors' expertise in sustainable management and continually enrich new knowledge, the BoD arranges for directors to take the training courses on corporate sustainability development annually.